Cannabis trimming is an intensive and time consuming process. There are two methods which are typically used, dry trimming and wet trimming. In both the dry and wet trimming process the key is to trim off the small leaves called “sugar leaves” from the colas which are also known as the buds. When the small leaves have been removed the calyxes, the pistils and the trichomes of the bud are revealed. The calyxes or flowers are tear shaped nodes and are the most potent part of the Cannabis plant. The pistils are the red hairs on the buds and the trichomes are the tiny sticky crystals that coat the buds and the majority of the plants.
When the dry trimming method is used plants are harvested and hung upside down to dry in a cool dry location. Once the plants are dried the trimming crew will be called and they will commence to dismantle the buds from the stems and carefully manicure and shape the buds by trimming the remaining small leaves to reveal the finished product, beautifully manicured buds. When trimming wet colas the process is similar but the trimmer will do the trimming with the colas still on the branches or stems. The wet trimming process does not require cutting the “sugar leaves” as close to the buds as dry trimming as the small leaves will dry back to the shape of the buds. Some growers prefer the wet trimming method as there is less handling of the colas which produce a higher quality finished product.
Whichever method is used to trim Cannabis plants, having a professional trimming team come to your location and manicure your matured crop will give you the confidence that the bud trimmers have been trained, are trustworthy and dependable. Green Mountain Harvest will be happy and ready to serve you in all of your trimming needs.